Alexander is a mobile entrepreneur who bulit MINICK to become one of the leading wireless ASPs in Europe and subsequently sold it to Swisscom. Currently he is invested as Business Angel in several wireless startups and serves as CEO of SmartRunner the leading sports- or geotracking community in Germany with over 60.000. registered tracks. Less than one month after the foundation it won its first award - the netSTART Award.. Prior to that position Alex served on the Executive Board of MINICK Group as COO and co-owner, where he was responsible for Sales and Operations in all subsidiaries of MINICK and as CMO of United Mobile in Switzerland.. Mobile Marketing has been the main focus of Alex during the past 5 years where he realised over 500 campaigns for clients such as Carat, Adididas, BBH, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, MTV, Pepsi, and many others. One of the most recent success was building mylive! - Vodefone Germany’s own user generated video portal. His expertise also includes many content related telecoms projects throughout Europe such as managed VoD platforms for Vodafone, Swisscom, Mobilkom, O2, etc. and the negotiation and realization of mobile interactive services for major TV shows such as Big Brother (CH, UK and Germany), MTV European Music Awards, RTL Teletext Chat, Fame Academy on BBC and RTL2 and many others.