Prashant Tripathi, known as Acharya Prashant is an Indian Advaita teacher, author and animal activist . He was born in 1978, at Agra, India. A brilliant student, he consistently topped his class and received the highest commendations and prizes possible to a student. The then Governor of the state felicitated him in a public function for setting a. new benchmark in the Board examinations, and for being an NTSE scholar.. The prodigal student was a voracious reader since he was five years of age. He gained admission to the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. His years at IIT were full of exploration of the world, deep involvement in student politics. Later in his life, he also gained admission to the Indian Civil Services and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. After completing his post graduation from IIM A, he worked in the corporates, and at the age of twenty-eight, he bid goodbye to corporate life and founded Advait Life-Education for 'Creation of a new humanity through Intelligent Spirituality'.. Today, the founder and director of Advait Life-Education and an NGO PrashantAdvait Foundation, he has authored more than 25 books on spirituality and is an established authority on Vedanta.