Amit Kumar from Delhi, India is an extremely talented Programmer with active involvement in Exploroo and part of the executive team.. His high level of education of BSC computer science, with few diplomas in web designing + 3 years diploma in mechanical automobile engineering make him a valuable asset to Exploroo.. Amit is an extremely hard. working and very dedicated. He is vegetarian and has a great way to look at life including ideas on saving the planet and general well being.. He is a very switched on person, and knows how to mix this well with his warm hearted character. He has worked with Daniel Lew for over 2 years on alot of projects including building globe search and also specialises in link building.. Amit loved the idea of working with Exploroo and has been dedicated ever since, and will continue to make this his dream of a lifetime, that will hopefully give inspiration to others in India. His dream is to give people in India an understanding that anything is possible if you keep positive and passionate and loyal to others, only good can come.