Derrick O'Connor was born in Dublin, Ireland, and raised in London. He was a former member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Scottish National Theatre, with many leading stage performances in Edinburgh, Stratford-on-Avon and London's West End. His long and successful career includes numerous starring roles in U.S., British and Australian film and television. O'Connor supports independent filmmaking as an important platform for emerging talent, to ensure a healthy future for the film industry. Projects he has worked on include Seascape (1994) and The First Vampire: Don't Fall for the Devil's Illusions (2004).O'Connor was seen most recently by American audiences in the feature films Daredevil (2003), El fin de los días (1999), Donde reside el amor (1995) and Arma letal 2 (1989). His many American TV guest appearances include Alias (2001), Tracey Ullman's Tracey Takes On... (1996) and Se ha escrito un crimen (1984). British film credits include Terry Gilliam's Brazil (1985), Los héroes del tiempo (1981) and La bestia del reino (1977), John Boormans Esperanza y gloria (1987), Harold Pinter's Butley (1974) and Dealers: Clan de ambiciosos (1989).O'Connor died in 2018, aged 77.