Abhay is the founder and CEO of CustomerInsights.AI, a Scottsdale start-up focused on helping Life Sciences companies leverage Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for their Sales and Marketing decisions.. Abhay has more than 25 years of leadership experience in Sales and Marketing consulting for Life Sciences companies. He has deep. expertise in leveraging latest technology for addressing business issues. He is the Principal Shareholder and Member of the Board of Solugenix Corporation – a 40 year old technology and outsourcing consulting company – where he is responsible for incubating new product ideas from concept to commercialization. He invests and advises Phoenix area technology startups and has also launched successful ventures as an intrapreneur within large organizations.. Abhay has received his M.B.A. (Economics, Finance) from University of Chicago, M.S.(Computer Science) from Northwestern University, and B.Tech (Electronics Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India.