prosolve370e is a decorative facade module that reduces air pollution in cities. When coupled with architectural surfaces, the modular system can grow to effectively counter local pollution hot-spots. The modules' forms are devised to increase the efficacy of the photocatalytic technology, employing surface enlargement for better reception of. light. prosolve370e was recently installed on a hospital facade in Mexico City.. prosolve, along with another project: a consumer plastic synthesized from atmospheric CO2, represent a new materialization of climatic condition. These materials signify existing but often immaterial conditions that increasingly have impact on the way we live. Allison Dring is an architect and co-founder of elegant embellishments, an architectural start-up with the strategy of self-initiating projects for condition-specific spaces.. Along with Daniel Schwaag, she initiated and produced proSolve370e, a decorative, three-dimensional module that reduces air pollution in cities. The modules were recently installed on the facade of hospital Torre de Especialidades in Mexico City. prosolve370e has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale, and acquired by the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum as part of the permanent collection.