In February 2014, Alok founded Scry Analytics, a company that codifies different kinds of workflows in various industries and uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining as well as statistical analysis to improve their efficiency with respect to timeliness, quality, money earned, customer experience, compliance and aggregated risks.. He received his B. Tech. from IIT Delhi in 1980 in Electrical Engineering and his Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins University in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1984. After, he joined IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center in New York. Since then, he has published 104 research articles and has been granted eight patents from the US Patents and Trademark Office.. During 1984 and 1993, he also won two innovation awards from IBM. Futhermore, during 1984 and 1996, Alok served as a program chairman for a number of conferences, including Symposium on Theory of Computing, Foundations of Computer Science, and Symposium on Computational Geometry.. He also served as a Chairperson of the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing and was on the editorial boards of SIAM Journal of Computing, Algorithmica, and Journal of Symbolic Computation. Finally, during the fall of 1988 and 1989, he was on sabbatical from IBM and taught two courses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and supervised two Ph.D. students.