Professor Alex (Sandy) Pentland is MIT's Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences as well as Director of Human Dynamics Research. He is Faculty sponsor of the Next Billion Network and the EPROM enterpreneurship program in Africa and formerly served as the Academic Head of the MIT Media Laboratory.. Pentland is one of the 30 most cited. researchers in the field of computer science, and Newsweek has recently named him one of the 100 Americans most likely to shape the 21st century.. Pentland is a pioneer in mobile information systems, health informatics, smart environments, and technology for developing countries. He has won numerous international awards in the Arts, Sciences and Engineering, including from the AAAI, IEEE, and Ars Electronica, and has published more than 200 scientific articles.. His "Future of Cyberfashion" event which combined technology and fashion received rave reviews from a broad range of news organizations including the New York Times, LA Times, Newsweek, Time, ABC, NBC, and Vogue, and was named "Idea of the Year" by Parade Magazine.. Pentland is a co-founder and serves as chief sociometrician at Thasos Group.. Pentland holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan.. Sandy Pentland, Co-Founder of Thasos Group, Keynote at Quandl ADC18: “Alternative AI for Alternative Data”: