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Ahmad Shalabi

Ahmad Shalabi is the Mentor of FasterCapital. He previously worked at the US-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) as a Lean Business Trainer. Ahmad Shalabi attended iugaza. Ahmad Shalabi has many years of economic development experience. He has held a wide range of economic development responsibilities, including redevelopment project. management, business retention and expansion, startup business development, and long-range planning. Ahmad is responsible for many successful programs in Capacity building for Graduates, E-learning engagement for employment, and developing ICT-embedded programs for many non-ICT areas ( Agriculture, Business). He recently served in many jobs in INGO as a coordinator and specialist in business development. Ahmad is a frequent speaker at many events and specializes in Lean development methodologies, TQM for startups, and freelancing, and outsourcing. He also works in Content marketing for startups and SMEs in MENA.

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