Adam Cowell has extensive experience in the local government industry, amongst his 23 years he has spent the last 18 years managing Blacktown City Council’s large and rapidly-increasing asset portfolio.. During his time at Blacktown City, Adam has developed expertise in asset management planning, and capital works delivery. Among his notable. projects is Council’s Works Improvement Program, where he has overseen the allocation and delivery of over $1 billion of capital works programs.. Adam’s work also includes streamlining the preparation of annual capital works programs by integrating them with long-term renewal forecasting and asset capitalisation systems, and simplifying the management of assets from concept through to commissioning. These programs have continually improved services to the community and contributed to the ongoing growth of Blacktown City.. Adam’s work in asset renewal forecasting has formed the basis for Blacktown City’s very successful special rate variation, which serves to secure sustainability by meeting the City’s long-term asset renewal requirements.