Leona Igoe was born in Cavan, Ireland, on the 4th January 1989.She studied Performing Arts Musical Theatre in Liberties College, Dublin, Ireland in 2007.She also studied Performing Arts Theatre Studies in Cavan Institute, Cavan, Ireland in 2008.In September 2016, Leona completed "The 6 Month Well Rounded Actor's Conservatory Program" at The Michelle Danner Acting Studio at Edgemar Center for the Art's, on Main St. Santa Monica, CA, USA.Leona played the role of "Katty Farrell" in "London Vertigo" with "Drumlin Players" in The Garage Theatre, Monaghan, Ireland, and performed at the "Barielly International Theatre Festival", in 2010.From October 28-30th 2021, she played "Mrs Dudley" in MDS (Monaghan Dramatic Society), The Haunting of Hill House, in The Garage Theatre, Monaghan, Ireland.