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Abhijeet Borole

Abhijeet is currently leading the technology development efforts at Electro-Active Technologies. He has 21 years of experience in energy R&D. He developed the bioelectrochemical technology for biomass/waste conversion, while being at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and continues to hone it with the goal of developing integrated solutions to. fit the 21st century bioeconomy needs. He has over 60 publications, four patents, and five books/chapters. He has published across multiple disciplines appearing in over 30 different journal titles including Energy & Environmental Science, Electrochimica Acta and Biochemical Engineering Journal.He is an engineer with knowledge of biological systems and an understanding of the sustainability needs of the 21st century. He continues his exploration of novel ideas, researching new directions and fundamental concepts at the interface of biocatalysis and electrochemistry via his position as a Research Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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