The wunderkind of New York real estate business, Adam Hochfelder was born in 1971 in Old Westbury, New York. In 1993, Hochfelder graduated from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania. His career began after his sophomore year when he got an internship position at Newmark and Co, a major real-estate company.. In 1996, Adam. Hochfelder co-founded the real estate firm Max Capital Management Corp, and in a short period of time, he managed to gain possession of many high-rise buildings in NYC, as well as multiple residential properties in New York and Chicago. Furthermore, he was also to be credited with the development of multiple luxury hotel properties.. Adam Hochfelder was among the youngest people ever chosen to serve on the Real Estate Board of New York, and to be appointed by New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg on NYC’s Economic Development Committee. He also served alongside Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff on NYC’s bid committee to bring the 2012 Summer Olympics to NYC.. Adam Hochfelder is also known for his philanthropic personality, as he has successfully founded and sponsored several foundations. Throughout his career, he has won numerous awards and recognition by National Charities. Currently, Adam Hochfelder acts as the Managing Director of Real Estate Acquisitions & Development at Merchants Hospitality. His number one priority is spending quality time with his sons. One of their favorite bonding activities is going to sport matches.