Adam is a Swiss army knife developer. He’s trained and efficient across a seriously wide array of technologies, languages, frameworks, and development approaches. He codes at work and at home, passionately gleaning and learning from the open source community. He stands on the shoulders of dev giants like Paul Irish, Chris Coyier, and Nicole. Sullivan, who evangelize the web and best practices. Not only can he spin up NoSQL DB’s, hack on LAMP, NGINX, Node, and Python, but his UI and front end development skills are at their peak performance.. He also has a designer past, creating games, sites, apps, and 3D worlds. This helps him be pixel perfect in creation of UI, because his eye notices and appreciates the subtleties of good design. Nothing seems impossible to this guy, he’s the office enabler for experimental ideas and sturdy web application engineering.. And if it isn’t obvious, Adam is a gamer, an RPG head to be exact, and spends his weekends exploring dungeons, slashing monsters, and saving the girl.