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Aashna Chaprana

A believer in the power of the spoken and written word, I am a technology graduate and also a persnickety content creator.. I have created content all my life. As a 10-year-old fine arts prefect. As a 20-year-old street theatre artist. In all the in-between years (Definitely taking into consideration, carefully punctuated fancy WhatsApp messages.). And now, as a young adult at Woobly Media Pvt. Ltd.. Of all I have known in the years of my being is that the only way you can get from point A to point B is by doing. And that is what my current position is, I am doing..more each day, making sure I learn a new thing each day. That the plastic part at the end of our shoelace is called an Aglet also counts. Simply because I didn't know it until yesterday but I do today and that makes me more cognizant of the world around me. Which is a better position to be in.. When I am not occupied with work and when Whatsapp is not using me, I like to spend my time searching facts like the one above, reading people and getting immersed in the magic that is storytelling.. If I can, at all, add something of worth to your life, feel free to reach me at and/or

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