It is a hybrid character with a long track as Adventurer and Entrepreneur.. Among many other adventures, has crossed Antarctica unassisted from the coast to the South Pole (1.152Km. - 98% Solo); has completed the project '7 Summits' (Climbing the highest mountains of each continent, finishing at the top of Mt.Everest); has participated. in 9 Dakar Rallies (2 with Motor-Bike & 7 with Car) where in 2015 it has become the First time in history that a non fuel car (100% electric) participates in Dakar Rally; he is regular Ultra Marathons runner, and has has done more than 100 races in different disciplines of extreme sports.. He is an entrepreneur since he was 26 years old, and in 2004 founded INVERGROUP as a platform to manage and promote projects in the field of energy and environment.. In both fields he has achieved some remarkable successes, but also accumulated a large number of failures which he accepts with pride, because they are an inseparable part of his life evolution.. Three books published:. - 'SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE' - The 7 challenges of the Entrepreneur. - 'LIVING TO FEEL ALIVE' - 2.3044 million steps to the end of the world. - 'THE TRAVEL'S VALUE' - Lessons from 10 Historic travel great explorers. He likes challenges arise, prepare thoroughly to get them, and organize the project to get the best result from both the sporting challenge as professional or personal level, and always with a sincere commitment to sustainability and achievement of results, spreading awareness or attitudes the responsible leadership and of respect for the environment.. Albert was born in 1966 in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona-Catalonia-Spain). He is married and has three children. He studied Business and M.B.A. in E.S.A.D.E.