Allen loves Ultimate Frisbee: he's played in the snow, on the beach, on Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, and he regularly plays in 110 degree August heat. His future plans include the tacocopter, the burrito bomber, and the mosquito laser. When Allen's not coding, he spends his time making his own pizza. dough and brewing his own beer. He'd make his own whiskey, too, if he wanted to wait 10 years for a drink.. Back in the day, Allen started work on his own self-hosting, native code lisp, and then the clouds parted and he discovered Clojure. Since then, he's become a Clojure contributor, and has commits in clojure.core, contrib, lein, ring, compojure, noir, and about a dozen more libraries. He finished SICP, and wrote Scriptjure, a Clojure to Javascript compiler, 2 years before ClojureScript. Other devs used his work as a basis for Stevedore, which he's happy to say is used in production every day at Circle.. In addition to co-founding Circle as a means to bring Continuous Deployment to the masses, he looks forward to building tools that help debug test failures by anticipating common problems. He currently deploys six times a day, and more on weekends.