Dr. Ghanbari is Chief Solution Officer of Semblant Global Company, a nanotechnology company providing state-of-the-art surface conditioning plasma polymerization solutions to microelectronics industry. Most recently, he was president and CEO of Folium Technology Consulting, which provided comprehensive consulting to the semiconductor, LED, and. solar industries. Previously, Dr. Abe Ghanbari was VP/GM at NovaSolar; a-Si solar energy start-up in Fremont CA. At NovaSolar he led design, development, and deployment of all aspect of solar equipment and projects. Dr. Ghanbari is a "Clean Tech" advisor to the Plug & Play Technology Center in Sunnyvale California and serves on the BOD of the Sustainability Method Institute. He has 25 years executive leadership, business and technical experience in semiconductor, electronics, optics/photonics, flat panel display, LED, and solar industries. He has developed and successfully market launched more than 50 state-of-the-art complex products in aforementioned industries. Dr. Ghanbari received a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Illinois, and a PhD degree in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell University. He also holds an MBA from Saint Mary's college with emphasis in operations and marketing management.